4:05 PM Jen: james franco with a date http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2009/02/23/movies/0223-REDCARPET2_12.html
4:06 PM me: ew
i'm gonna kill that bitch
Jen: seriously
a blonde
we have no chance
me: how dare she attend the oscars with my boyfriend?!!
Jen: MY boyfriend!!
me: maybe they are just friends?
Jen: weird he didn't ask mike to ask both of us to go with him!
me: maybe she is his sister or cousin?
Jen: probs not
4:07 PM me: that is disappointing
Jen: he seems like "hey check out this babe i am with!"
me: well, i must admit i spent the better part of an hour trying to find out if he was currently "involved" last night
Jen: there's not too much info like that on him around
me: no
Jen: i guess he's too busy being in class to get in those magazines
me: it was all old girlfriends n stuff
4:08 PM he's too busy being smart and cool
and totally fucking dreamy
Jen: yeah
me: would you try to talk to him if you saw him
Jen: i made up that he is vegetarian too
i don't konw
probably not
me: i think i would
Jen: what would you say "oh, hey! you're my celebrity crush!!!"
me: maybe i wouldn't say something but i would try to wink at him
4:09 PM or is that too pervy?
Jen: you would do that think where you make a peace sign and stick your tongue out through it
me: definitely
Jen: and he'd be like "oh, hey! you seem cool. what's up?"
me: i would blow him a lot of kisses
4:10 PM Jen: i would pinch his butt
me: i would flash my titties at him!!!!!!
Jen: hahah
me: would you dump alan for him
these are the insane thoughts i think of all day
Jen: i think that too
me: the weird inane things that cross my mind
Jen: i told alan i would have to date him one time at least
and alan is like, what are you talking about?
me: me too
4:11 PM one date
Jen: it is really crazy how obsessed with him i have become!
me: to see if there is chemistry
Jen: he was so babes in milk!
just to check it out
me: i know
he is just so charming
Jen: did you watch pineapple express?
me: yes
so funny
4:12 PM i mean, it's not an incredible story anything
Jen: i still think seth rogan is annoying and his whole thing is tired
but i liked it
me: but there are so many classic lines
Jen: and loved JF
me: you can tell they are just riffing
jf is so cute when he talks about his bubby
you can tell he is a really sweet person irl
4:13 PM Jen: totally
irl the cutest
did you hear him on terri gross
i couldn't work, i was too busy being charmed and in love
me: a few weeks ago
or today?
4:14 PM Jen: yeah months ago even
me: yea
i heard it
Jen: when milk first came out
me: it was great
he paints in his free time
that's what he told her
i wonder what he paints
Jen: monkeys in trees
me: he is a half swedish half portuguese jew
Jen: sunsets
me: pugs n kitties
Jen: cats
4:15 PM me: how hot is that mixture
half swedish half portuguese jew
way exotic
this convo should totally be in teen beat zine
Jen: we should write for them
me: dear teen beat,
4:16 PM we will write all james franco related features
jen n megan
Jen: love, streets
we will also write about how ugo pretty much everyone else is
penelope cruz won
that's cool
but i thought it was weird bc that movie was so eeehhh
4:17 PM but she was great.
me: she was
she deserved it
pedro amoldovar wrote this really cute blurb about her in the ny times zine a week or two ago
Jen: cute
4:18 PM i hope scarjo never wins anything
me: basically saying that she is the brave continuation of a history of mediterranean women who basically yell their lines
the passion
like sofia loren, etc
Jen: she is great
me: i hate scarjo
Jen: me too
me: she can not act
4:19 PM Jen: not at all
me: i hate anne hathaway also for basically no reason
Jen: she always wears really ugo clothes to places, too
me too
i heard!
she used to do it to someone someone that worked at stripes went to college with
and they said she was bad at doing it
A hathaway
me: i really hate natalie portman too, but it comes and goes
4:20 PM well, caitlin meissner's old roommate kimmy's boyfriend cody hung out with scarjo
Jen: i don't like her either. but then i think, why don't i like her? she is cute vego
me: because apparently he was friends with tegan and sarah because he met them on makeoutclub.com
and scarjo is tight with tegan and sarah
Jen: woof
4:21 PM me: yeah, i think that too about natalie portman
Jen: could you imagine scarjo calling you? in that dumb voice
me: because i like that thing she did on snl
and i liked her short in that movie paris, je t'aime
so i like natalie sometimes
but most of the time i h8 her
4:22 PM Jen: whatevs
me: zac LOVES natalie and scarjo
but i think he loves them to piss me off
Jen: scar jo is inexcusable
me: because i love so many celeb boys
my dad also loves scarjo
so gross
4:23 PM i love jf and emile hirsh and cillian murphy and luke wilson
jf the most tho
luke wilson is kind of old and can't act
oooo, i love this french actor louis garrel
i like dark haired, kinda handsome jew-y looking guys
4:24 PM Jen: jew bombs
me: like zac, only celebs
Jen: i like spock
me: see i like keira knightly and think she is a bobo natalie portman
only british and cooler
Jen: look at how bad she always looks
me: i can't believe natalie portman was dating devendra banhart
4:25 PM Jen: did they break up?
me: idn
back to the ny times pic of jf and date
4:26 PM i like that they identify her as "guest"
do you think it's one of his classmates at one of the many universities he attends
Jen: who knows
she is very attractive
me: we need to crash that class
Jen: and skinny
and wearing a really expensive dress
me: yeah
that dress is nice
4:27 PM but she is kinda "birdy" looking
i don't think she is that special
just blonde and skinny
Jen: she looks like american beauty
the girl
4:29 PM me: yeah
she looks like a bratz doll
4:31 PM god
us weekly and ok and people need to hire us to be the commentators on all these award show and celebs
4:32 PM we are knowledgeable and funny and our opinions MATTER
Jen: it would be great
if we were the next go fug yourself!!
4:33 PM well
we obviously will have to blog about celebs
and just post gmail chats
me: twin blog has potential
4:34 PM Jen: i have the flu
i have just been looking at celeb pix in bed ALL DAY
me: :(
4:37 PM Jen: do you want to go to HJNTIY w or thus?
me: yes
we will eat lots of popcorn
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I can't remember...RR...
I really should have written this, like, three weeks ago when we saw the movie. I wasn't especially affected by this movie...it's not fresh..I'm trying.
Revolutionary Road!!
I think the only reason I wanted to go see this movie is because I wanted to be at the movies. That and how beautiful Kate Winslet looked in the advertisements.
Were we supossed to feel bad for Leo? Ever? Because I didn't. Why does the man cheat in ever movie ever? And in Mad Men? As soon as it starts you know - he is going to cheat. Even at the end, not much sympathy for him. I mean, it's sad. You feel bad for the situation. But I wasn't crying at all, which is saying something.
I kept thinking "When/how is this movie going to end? What time is it? Why is this happening?".
Winslet's character was so sad. She was bound by her times, couldn't really make her own decisions, she was stuck. But why did they have to make her so manic? I mean, really?
Um, i just remembered this - the neighbor's insane son "speaking the truth" but he's CRAZY. How does he know!? That was stupid.
KW's bouncing ponytail was the best part. Hands down.
I mean, maybe it was probably a good book. My boss said it was. I don't have much to say.
Over acting. Seriously POINTING FINGERS in fights. that was there.
I can't even go into the abortion stuff.
It had been described as Mad Men-esque. Well, you should probably just watch Mad Men instead - it's good. I watched it pretty much all weekend. Deep into season 1.
Anyway, what Megan said!
Revolutionary Road!!
I think the only reason I wanted to go see this movie is because I wanted to be at the movies. That and how beautiful Kate Winslet looked in the advertisements.
Were we supossed to feel bad for Leo? Ever? Because I didn't. Why does the man cheat in ever movie ever? And in Mad Men? As soon as it starts you know - he is going to cheat. Even at the end, not much sympathy for him. I mean, it's sad. You feel bad for the situation. But I wasn't crying at all, which is saying something.
I kept thinking "When/how is this movie going to end? What time is it? Why is this happening?".
Winslet's character was so sad. She was bound by her times, couldn't really make her own decisions, she was stuck. But why did they have to make her so manic? I mean, really?
Um, i just remembered this - the neighbor's insane son "speaking the truth" but he's CRAZY. How does he know!? That was stupid.
KW's bouncing ponytail was the best part. Hands down.
I mean, maybe it was probably a good book. My boss said it was. I don't have much to say.
Over acting. Seriously POINTING FINGERS in fights. that was there.
I can't even go into the abortion stuff.
It had been described as Mad Men-esque. Well, you should probably just watch Mad Men instead - it's good. I watched it pretty much all weekend. Deep into season 1.
Anyway, what Megan said!
Kate Winslet,
Leonardo Dicaprio,
major bummer,
not really caring
Monday, February 23, 2009
***Spoiler Alert***That’s it-she dies from a self-induced abortion?! WTF?
Two nights ago Jen and I went to see “Revolutionary Road”. Originally I had no interest in seeing this film. I made fun of it over and over again, complaining that the trailers gave absolutely no information as to what the movie was about. But then I watched part of it over the shoulder (with no sound) of someone on the MetroNorth train to New Haven the weekend I went home for my birthday and I was intrigued. It was the bar scene and Kate Winslet’s bouncy ponytail looked so appealing, bouncing around on her back and shoulders as she sexily danced with her neighbor in the red light. And low and behold, Kate Winslet and her bouncy ponytail won the Golden Globe* for best actress and then the commercials started to reveal more dialogue/plot line. Ooo, I just had to see this film!
I had high hopes that this film would turn out to be a sleeper hit, a hidden gem. My hopes were dashed. I could not really tell what the point of this movie was except maybe to make women look like miserable nags or loonies, or maybe to illustrate the point that everyone was miserable in the marriages in the 1950s as evidenced by Kathy Bates’ husband turning down his hearing aid to effectively tune her out at the movie’s end. I guess it was a meditation on the psychoses of the era: the not so distant memories of the war, the nuclear familes, the suburbanization, the keeping up with the Joneses, the sameness of the jauntily suit-and-hatted men stepping off the commuter trains pouring into Grand Central from Connecticut and New Jersey to file off to their jobs in marketing and advertising, and the lunch time highballs. The relationship between Leonardo DiCaprio, as Frank Wheeler, and Winslet, as April, didn’t seem all that different than my grandparents’ unhappy marriages. Their marriages ended just as tragically, in the particular way that tragedy struck those relationships that approached what should have been their golden hour in the mid-50s.
Winslet’s April was so sad. She was sad in the way that a woman who was bound by her times is sad. Unable to reasonably leave her husband, most likely unable to be gainfully employed in anything other than the secretarial sector, if that, unable to access birth control, and unable to terminate a pregnancy without risking death herself. She was trapped. And when she tried to express her unhappiness and raised her voice about the lack of love in her married life, she was made to look like a fucking madwoman. A woman can only be one of two things: a nag or a crazy. Wait, she can be a bitch too. A bitch, a nag, or a crazy. Lots of possibilities here! Lots of ‘em!!! Also, when her character went as far as to “be bad” and she ended up doing it to her married neighbor in his car, it was made to seem as an act of revenge for her husband’s philandering and that it was a physically uncomfortable and regrettable act that made her feel ashamed afterward. In fact, whenever there was a sex scene in the film Winslet’s character did not seem especially emotionally present or sexually satisfied.
There was one point toward the end of the film that I had no idea where the plot was going and it made me so nervous. I kept wringing my hands and, turning to Jen, whispered, “What is going to happen?” I was pretty sure either Leo or Kate was going to kill the other –or- Kate was going to kill herself –or- Kate was going to run away with the kids who were almost never in the scene, anyway. For a stay-at-home 1950s housewife, Kate’s character did very little mothering. In any event, the ending of Revolutionary Road was not all together unexpected but not entirely predictable either. This movie was not very interesting, yet still pretty sad.
Luckily I made it home in time to watch Lost!
*What are the Golden Globes all about? It is the award show warm up to the award show season and the prizes are decided upon by the Hollywood foreign press…what does that even mean? Who is the Hollywood foreign press anyway? Like, the actual foreign press?
I had high hopes that this film would turn out to be a sleeper hit, a hidden gem. My hopes were dashed. I could not really tell what the point of this movie was except maybe to make women look like miserable nags or loonies, or maybe to illustrate the point that everyone was miserable in the marriages in the 1950s as evidenced by Kathy Bates’ husband turning down his hearing aid to effectively tune her out at the movie’s end. I guess it was a meditation on the psychoses of the era: the not so distant memories of the war, the nuclear familes, the suburbanization, the keeping up with the Joneses, the sameness of the jauntily suit-and-hatted men stepping off the commuter trains pouring into Grand Central from Connecticut and New Jersey to file off to their jobs in marketing and advertising, and the lunch time highballs. The relationship between Leonardo DiCaprio, as Frank Wheeler, and Winslet, as April, didn’t seem all that different than my grandparents’ unhappy marriages. Their marriages ended just as tragically, in the particular way that tragedy struck those relationships that approached what should have been their golden hour in the mid-50s.
Winslet’s April was so sad. She was sad in the way that a woman who was bound by her times is sad. Unable to reasonably leave her husband, most likely unable to be gainfully employed in anything other than the secretarial sector, if that, unable to access birth control, and unable to terminate a pregnancy without risking death herself. She was trapped. And when she tried to express her unhappiness and raised her voice about the lack of love in her married life, she was made to look like a fucking madwoman. A woman can only be one of two things: a nag or a crazy. Wait, she can be a bitch too. A bitch, a nag, or a crazy. Lots of possibilities here! Lots of ‘em!!! Also, when her character went as far as to “be bad” and she ended up doing it to her married neighbor in his car, it was made to seem as an act of revenge for her husband’s philandering and that it was a physically uncomfortable and regrettable act that made her feel ashamed afterward. In fact, whenever there was a sex scene in the film Winslet’s character did not seem especially emotionally present or sexually satisfied.
There was one point toward the end of the film that I had no idea where the plot was going and it made me so nervous. I kept wringing my hands and, turning to Jen, whispered, “What is going to happen?” I was pretty sure either Leo or Kate was going to kill the other –or- Kate was going to kill herself –or- Kate was going to run away with the kids who were almost never in the scene, anyway. For a stay-at-home 1950s housewife, Kate’s character did very little mothering. In any event, the ending of Revolutionary Road was not all together unexpected but not entirely predictable either. This movie was not very interesting, yet still pretty sad.
Luckily I made it home in time to watch Lost!
*What are the Golden Globes all about? It is the award show warm up to the award show season and the prizes are decided upon by the Hollywood foreign press…what does that even mean? Who is the Hollywood foreign press anyway? Like, the actual foreign press?
Kate Winslet,
Leonardo Dicaprio,
major bummer
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Oh, Sylvia
Sylvia the movie sucks. It is really unfortunate. I kept telling Megan while we were watching it that I'm going to re-make the movie. Maybe!
It really should have been called "Ted". The movie was more focused on Sylvia Plath's husband, poet Ted Hughes, than on Sylvia, or even kind of trying to accurately represent her as a person or a writer.
The movie starts hours before she meets Ted Hughes with only glib mentions of her past. Her "downward spiral" is really only shown in comparison to her husband, his affairs, and probably abuse ( not that we would really know since he destroyed her journals from the last months of her life and has made sure nothing too horrible she wrote about him has really been published). Oh, and her journals weren't even a part of the movie. They were a big part of her life since age 11, but they didn't really make the cut.
I also hated how they had her wear pink for the first 40 minutes of the movie and then brown and green when she was "losin' it".
Director Christine Jeffs and writer John Brownlow had an agenda making this movie.
My version will be totally opposite. That's my pitch.
It really should have been called "Ted". The movie was more focused on Sylvia Plath's husband, poet Ted Hughes, than on Sylvia, or even kind of trying to accurately represent her as a person or a writer.
The movie starts hours before she meets Ted Hughes with only glib mentions of her past. Her "downward spiral" is really only shown in comparison to her husband, his affairs, and probably abuse ( not that we would really know since he destroyed her journals from the last months of her life and has made sure nothing too horrible she wrote about him has really been published). Oh, and her journals weren't even a part of the movie. They were a big part of her life since age 11, but they didn't really make the cut.
I also hated how they had her wear pink for the first 40 minutes of the movie and then brown and green when she was "losin' it".
Director Christine Jeffs and writer John Brownlow had an agenda making this movie.
My version will be totally opposite. That's my pitch.
Ted, not Sylvia
Sylvia, the movie, sucked. Listen hear, babies, and listen good. The downlow on John Brownlow, the dude responsible for the screenplay, is that he's definitely not a feminist and he was definitely not savy to the life & times of Ms Plath when writing that bullplop.
Plath, as played by Gwyneth Paltrow (whose taste I'm starting to question), is portrayed as a completely pathetic, sad sack of a woman who totally went nuts and offed herself after suspecting, then confirming, her husband's dalliances. Little mention of her history of mental illness, her artistic struggles, the fact that her husband roughed her up and apparently destroyed her journals postmortem so that no one would know the half of it. Woops, just forgot, whatevs.
Part of the problem, in my opinion, is that the story just drops you in her Cambridge years so there is so much neglected subtext. And almost immediately we find Sylvia at a party where she falls all over Ted Hughes after gushing on about how great his poetry is. I don't doubt there was some steamy hot passion there with a dash of sublime appreciation and career envy to boot, but I also don't think Sylvia would be so transparent and uncomplicated. Not that I knew the broad personally, but her writing evokes some depth, so why would her character be so shallow? Touched, she was, but I doubt Plath was petty.
Not to mention that Gwyneth, as Sylvia, is all rosy and refined for the first half of the movie, dressed entirely in pink and pearls, hair smooth and curled, lips glossed, and consequently, as she goes crazy, her hair gets long and fried like a poodle and she starts wearing entirely drab earth tones and looking sallow. The visual metaphor is perhaps a little too obvious.
However, there is some nice use of slow-mo in this film.
Also, I must add that Ted Hughs is played by Daniel Craig. I've been pretty indifferent to Craig, but in a recent conversation, when asked what I think about him I decided that I think he is handsome and a good actor and all that, but there is something so BRUTAL about him. Like, he looks like he would be pretty nastymean IRL.
I vote that Jen May remake Ted, I mean Sylvia. As long as she uses the slow-mo.
Plath, as played by Gwyneth Paltrow (whose taste I'm starting to question), is portrayed as a completely pathetic, sad sack of a woman who totally went nuts and offed herself after suspecting, then confirming, her husband's dalliances. Little mention of her history of mental illness, her artistic struggles, the fact that her husband roughed her up and apparently destroyed her journals postmortem so that no one would know the half of it. Woops, just forgot, whatevs.
Part of the problem, in my opinion, is that the story just drops you in her Cambridge years so there is so much neglected subtext. And almost immediately we find Sylvia at a party where she falls all over Ted Hughes after gushing on about how great his poetry is. I don't doubt there was some steamy hot passion there with a dash of sublime appreciation and career envy to boot, but I also don't think Sylvia would be so transparent and uncomplicated. Not that I knew the broad personally, but her writing evokes some depth, so why would her character be so shallow? Touched, she was, but I doubt Plath was petty.
Not to mention that Gwyneth, as Sylvia, is all rosy and refined for the first half of the movie, dressed entirely in pink and pearls, hair smooth and curled, lips glossed, and consequently, as she goes crazy, her hair gets long and fried like a poodle and she starts wearing entirely drab earth tones and looking sallow. The visual metaphor is perhaps a little too obvious.
However, there is some nice use of slow-mo in this film.
Also, I must add that Ted Hughs is played by Daniel Craig. I've been pretty indifferent to Craig, but in a recent conversation, when asked what I think about him I decided that I think he is handsome and a good actor and all that, but there is something so BRUTAL about him. Like, he looks like he would be pretty nastymean IRL.
I vote that Jen May remake Ted, I mean Sylvia. As long as she uses the slow-mo.
major bummer,
Sylvia Plath
Monday, February 9, 2009
Vicky Christina love and linen
I do my best writing while I am walking to work and about to fall asleep. Of course, I never actually write it so maybe it isn’t good. I can just think it is without having to read it later and feel embarrassed and wonder why I inappropriately use commas,like, always.
I know that it really isn’t fair to bring an artists personal life to their work. To use it to discredit them, or to celebrate them. And of course Woody Allen has repeatedly said his movies have nothing to do with his private life whatsoever.
Husbands and Wives* was produced and released at the peak of Woody and Mia’s breakup. It was made while he was boning Soon-Yi. It mirrors their life so much that he really can’t say that one has nothing to do with his life. But he does. Mia Farrow’s character wanting kids, Woody smooching 19 year olds, being excited by the prospect of being with them. The fights. The divorce. Come on. So I feel I can hold WA’s life up to the light with Vicky Christina. SO basically, Woody wasn’t happy with Mia, He isn’t happy with Soon-Yi(I’m just guessing!) . He is never happy. It's existential- got it! What now?
I will unfairly say this; to me, Vicky Christina Barcelona is Woody kind of giving up. He wants it all but he is admitting that the exciting 16 year olds, get old, the talented, stable, caring partners( I am talking about Mia here, not the Rebecca Hall character she just came off kind of predicable and depressing) get boring and nothing works. There is always the “what if..” the uncertainty. “Love is only romantic if it cannot be” or whatever. Which is fine. A point worthy of exploration.
But, I feel like he just used his power as Woody Allen to explore his fantasies of “love” he wishes he could pursue. It leaves all of the relationships in the movie feeling kind of empty. Totally contrived, giving no one any credit and using stereotypes all along the way. Love never works, Scarlett, Penelope, please make out now.
Scarlet Johansson’s performance was horrible. Penelope Cruz owned the screen. She is beautiful.
Too much linen.
Woody seems to really hate the USA.
And a bunch of other things.
This really does not make as much sense as it does when I write it before falling asleep.
* Husbands and Wives, I thought was a really good movie about some of the same things. Just saying.
I know that it really isn’t fair to bring an artists personal life to their work. To use it to discredit them, or to celebrate them. And of course Woody Allen has repeatedly said his movies have nothing to do with his private life whatsoever.
Husbands and Wives* was produced and released at the peak of Woody and Mia’s breakup. It was made while he was boning Soon-Yi. It mirrors their life so much that he really can’t say that one has nothing to do with his life. But he does. Mia Farrow’s character wanting kids, Woody smooching 19 year olds, being excited by the prospect of being with them. The fights. The divorce. Come on. So I feel I can hold WA’s life up to the light with Vicky Christina. SO basically, Woody wasn’t happy with Mia, He isn’t happy with Soon-Yi(I’m just guessing!) . He is never happy. It's existential- got it! What now?
I will unfairly say this; to me, Vicky Christina Barcelona is Woody kind of giving up. He wants it all but he is admitting that the exciting 16 year olds, get old, the talented, stable, caring partners( I am talking about Mia here, not the Rebecca Hall character she just came off kind of predicable and depressing) get boring and nothing works. There is always the “what if..” the uncertainty. “Love is only romantic if it cannot be” or whatever. Which is fine. A point worthy of exploration.
But, I feel like he just used his power as Woody Allen to explore his fantasies of “love” he wishes he could pursue. It leaves all of the relationships in the movie feeling kind of empty. Totally contrived, giving no one any credit and using stereotypes all along the way. Love never works, Scarlett, Penelope, please make out now.
Scarlet Johansson’s performance was horrible. Penelope Cruz owned the screen. She is beautiful.
Too much linen.
Woody seems to really hate the USA.
And a bunch of other things.
This really does not make as much sense as it does when I write it before falling asleep.
* Husbands and Wives, I thought was a really good movie about some of the same things. Just saying.
Vicky Christina Barcelona otherwise known as Woody Allen's Dreams of Threesomes
Last week Jen and I went to see Woody Allen's new film, Vicky Christina Barcelona.
Woody Allen is a fucking pervert jerk and I hate him.
I don't even know where to begin. How about this...there were several moments towards the end of the film where I was leaning into Jen's ear whisperning, "Are you serious???" or mouthing "This movie suxxxx" repeatedly.
Walking home from BAM, I had to reproach myself. Was it really as terrible as it felt while I was stuck in my theater seat? No, probably not. I mean, I get it. Woody Allen is typically existential, kind of posing the preposterousness of human condition and the things we do/the situations we create for ourselves or find ourselves in. Like, to quote D. Higgs, "love is love" and it's love whether it's a ménage à trois or a commitment in the form of a legalized, institutionalized marriage, what have you. It's what you make it, whatever you choose to commit yourself to, because what is a relationship except a promise that you uphold, a commitment that you make, over and over again?
But, underlying that, I feel like Allen is a woman-hater, or rather, such a woman-lover, a womanizer, if you will, that his female characters always come off as cheap, petty, insane and inane, the kind of yesterday's papers that are easy to forget and dismiss.
Overall, Vicky Christina Barcelona basically felt like a playground for Woody Allen to live out his "two girls for every guy" fantasies and gape at Scarlett Johansson's stupid pouty lips and big hoots.

I have something to tell you, Woody Allen, girl CAN NOT act. Why does she carry so much cred? Don't understand, never will. Her role fell absolutely flat, just killed it, made the whole god damn movie so painful to watch.
And poor Rebecca Hall, casted basically to fill the role of Scarlett's wet blanket, brunette lookalike. The old adage is true, according to VCB; Blondes do have more fun.
Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz were a pleasure to watch. I agree with Jen's observation that Cruz proves better when acting in Spanish as opposed to English, but she is just so mesmerizingly beautiful. Call me out on my double standard, I don't care.
I think my chief complaint, however, is the blatant overuse of linen in the costuming. Really? Do people really wear linen around the clock in España? I'm all for easy breazy comfort, and I can only imagine how hot summer can be in Barçe, but need every character in VCB look like they are walking around in potato sacks?

I rest my case.
Woody Allen is a fucking pervert jerk and I hate him.
I don't even know where to begin. How about this...there were several moments towards the end of the film where I was leaning into Jen's ear whisperning, "Are you serious???" or mouthing "This movie suxxxx" repeatedly.
Walking home from BAM, I had to reproach myself. Was it really as terrible as it felt while I was stuck in my theater seat? No, probably not. I mean, I get it. Woody Allen is typically existential, kind of posing the preposterousness of human condition and the things we do/the situations we create for ourselves or find ourselves in. Like, to quote D. Higgs, "love is love" and it's love whether it's a ménage à trois or a commitment in the form of a legalized, institutionalized marriage, what have you. It's what you make it, whatever you choose to commit yourself to, because what is a relationship except a promise that you uphold, a commitment that you make, over and over again?
But, underlying that, I feel like Allen is a woman-hater, or rather, such a woman-lover, a womanizer, if you will, that his female characters always come off as cheap, petty, insane and inane, the kind of yesterday's papers that are easy to forget and dismiss.
Overall, Vicky Christina Barcelona basically felt like a playground for Woody Allen to live out his "two girls for every guy" fantasies and gape at Scarlett Johansson's stupid pouty lips and big hoots.
I have something to tell you, Woody Allen, girl CAN NOT act. Why does she carry so much cred? Don't understand, never will. Her role fell absolutely flat, just killed it, made the whole god damn movie so painful to watch.
And poor Rebecca Hall, casted basically to fill the role of Scarlett's wet blanket, brunette lookalike. The old adage is true, according to VCB; Blondes do have more fun.
Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz were a pleasure to watch. I agree with Jen's observation that Cruz proves better when acting in Spanish as opposed to English, but she is just so mesmerizingly beautiful. Call me out on my double standard, I don't care.
I think my chief complaint, however, is the blatant overuse of linen in the costuming. Really? Do people really wear linen around the clock in España? I'm all for easy breazy comfort, and I can only imagine how hot summer can be in Barçe, but need every character in VCB look like they are walking around in potato sacks?
I rest my case.
major bummer,
Woody Allen
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